Tari Singh – Antique & Furniture Dealor from Amar Colony

In Conversation

The reason for Amar colony’s existence is because of its owners and skilled artisans. They stand as strong pillars to sustain this 40 years old market. Despite all the hardships, they do it all with a smile on their face.

Tari Singh

Leading the Amar colony’s furniture market from 60 years, Mr Tari Singh’s (65 years old) shop is solely dealing in antiques and old furniture. Dressed in white kurta pyjama, white turban (impressively white in those dusty shops), he exuberantly welcomed me. He briefed about the ‘chronicles’ of his shop while we all were sipping on chai (tea).


Mr Singh recalled how his father came to India after partition with his three brothers. In order to find work everyone separated and his father came into this furniture business.


Since you have been in this for so many years now, what change have you noticed so far?

“When my father started the business, here used to be vegetable vendors, pedlars and scrap collectors and gradually it became the khokha market or known as furniture market. Earlier it was clean, but now others have littered the front area and people thinks this market to be raddi market, which makes me sad.”


How is your shop different from other 30 shops?

Singh proudly stated “We are the only shop here that deals with solely old furniture and antiques. We do not buy or sell new furniture. We have 40 year old Burma teak cupboard, seasoned wood cabinets, 60 year old bed frame from Calcutta etc. are our specialty.”


Have you ever thought of going online?

“Honestly, I have no interest in this”, Singh replied laughingly. “But my son likes these kinds of things. He is saying to make an online website, to expand our business.”


What is your source of getting this furniture and antiques?

“Usually people come and sell it to us. Some come from embassies, some from Bombay, Calcutta or South. If we think it can be sold we buy it and repair it.”


What is your customer base?

“Our customers are only those who love antiques or old furniture. Our old customers visit us frequently. Sometimes people tell us about the value of the items we have. A famous advocate is our regular customer.”


If not furniture, what else would you be doing?

“Umm… I don’t think of anything. My father started this business, so eventually I had to take over. I never thought of doing anything else besides this.”


How many artisans work for you?

“Currently there are 5. Their work is divided. Some do salesmanship, some polishing and some carving. Many have trained here and then went to Dubai or other countries to work. So I’m proud of them. We train our artisans here.”

What are the ups and downs you face here?

“Usually, we don’t face any problems but sometimes people sell us fake things or cancel the orders. Otherwise the business is good. We are satisfied with it.”

Whole life working and still, Mr Singh doesn’t regret his decisions and love what he is doing. He is very contented with his life and work. He will continue working and wish for the growth of Amar colony’s furniture market.