Moolchand, Artist, Kumhar Gram, Anand Foundation

Moolchand, Artist, Kumhar Gram

Interview with Mr. Moolchand, an artist in Kumhar Gram

Mr. Moolchand is an artist in Kumhar gram who specializes in making Terracotta pottery and has been living here from past 30-35 years. He and his family migrated from Rajasthan to Delhi in search of better business opportunities in the capital. Pottery is a craft practiced from generations in his family and every member of his family is involved in the process.

Q. What is your style of work?
Ans. I mostly make gulucks (money bank), guldasta (flower pots), and different sized pots or custom made clay items.

Q. How many do you make in a day?
Ans. I make around 200 pieces of pots in a day. My wife helps in designing the pots.

Q. When do you start your work and who helps you with the process?
Ans. We start our work at 5 in the morning, my wife and children help in kneading the clay and later on I sit on the wheel to make the pots. After they are dry we put them for firing in our own Kiln on the terrace.

Q. How many members do you have in your family?
Ans. We are four people in the family, my wife and two children including me.

Q. Does your children go to school?
Ans. Yes they do go to a government school nearby.

Q. From where do you procure the clay and sand?
Ans. It comes from Rajasthan and Haryana.

Q. How do you sell your products and in what price range?
Ans. We mostly sell our products in wholesale and custom orders by companies and local retailers. The cost of the products depend on the size and intricacy of work, I sell them for Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 and above.

Q. Do you know about e-commerce? Would you like to sell your products through online retailers?
Ans. Im not so literate to understand all this. The new generation has better ideas, maybe they can do better in selling their products.

Q. Are you satisfied with the income you earn from pottery, compared to large retailers who sell their products on much higher cost?
Ans. Financially we dont earn much but we are happy with our means, we have our own house. I wish if the government would promote our skill and craft more often.

Q. Would you like to change your profession if given better opportunities? And would you like to teach in an institute?
Ans. No not at all, this is the family treasure and my passion. The wheel is my life. There are some kumhar families here who have changed their profession to driving rickshaws, so that they can earn more. I don’t think I am so literate to teach in an institute.

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