In conversation with students and visitors of the Delhi Libraries
Vishal, is pursuing B.C.A form IP university and he regularly come to hardayal library because he leaves around this area. He sits in the library and prepare for his exam. He told me about the section of hardayal library on computer books which he used for his studies regularly. He also used other facilities of the library like he read newspapers here and also take part in seminars sometimes organised by these libraries.
Chandrpal, who had a shop at chandnichock, says he comes here at Marwari library daily for 30 mins to read different newspaper to get all the information about country. And he is doing same thing for the last 20 years.
‘Marwari library is like second home to me’ says kiran who lives at katraneel at chandni chock and preparing for the teaching exams. She said she have proper membership of the library and come here 5 days in a week and read here in the reading room and use this facility with joy. Kiran also says it is difficult to prepare from home but we have here Marwari library that’s why she is able to do so.
Wasim, pursuing B.Com, from university of Delhi. He lives at PahriImli at chooriwalan. He also knowssufiyan who associated with shahwalliullah library. He says sufiyan was the one, who introduced me to that library and asked me to come here for reading. However this library has very limited space for sitting but have all the books which are related to my syllabus. He regularlysits here in the night for study. And many of his local friends come to this library for the same.
Changejisahab, who look after the shahwalliullah library and member of the Delhi youth welfare association says, this library have all the relevant texts related to the Muslim history of Delhi. And also have important manuscripts, translated texts. And later on we have collected all the study material of different graduation courses which helps local students. And all the facilities of the library are for free. There is no charge taken from anyone who uses the library for the reading purpose. Further he says we also helped many researcher students time to time who generally worked on mughal history or history of Delhi. Overall the library is playing an important role in the making of good reading and research culture in Delhi.